Geology Engineering
Site investigations, mapping, data and technology services using advanced GIS technology for the most demanding engineering projects
We provide site investigations, mapping, data and technological services using advanced GIS technology. Engineering geology has a long tradition in SG Geotechnika established in 1926 by Quido Záruba, who founded the field of the engineering geology in the Czech Republic and was awarded of professorship and presided over the International Association for Engineering. Our expertise derives from years of experience with demanding projects and our knowledge of local engineering and geological conditions. The expertise allows us to prepare solutions for the most challenging tasks in industry and to take part in implementing major engineering projects.
Contact us
Mgr. Jiří Rout
T: +420 724 117 649

Our services
- Comprehensive site investigations for all types of engineering projects
- Landslide reclamation projects – Site investigations, monitoring and design of remedial measures
- Cliff stabilization – Site investigations and design of remedial measures
- Construction project implementation – Qualified geotechnical supervision
- Project preparation and implementation – Expert geotechnical consultations
- Foundation base soil documentation and analysis
- In-situ and laboratory geotechnical testing
- Site investigations, locating, and reclaiming of mines
- Engineering and geological mapping and targeted regional studies
- Geological documentation
- Micropetrographical analyses of soil and rock
- Surveys of soil contamination
- Construction related technical investigations of structural elements, verification of foundation base depth, building passportisation
We design and implement the most demanding engineering projects with more than 90 years of the professional expertise
D35 Highway Construction – Comprehensive site investigation, geotechnical monitoring, and professional site supervision during the selected sections construction, section Sedlice – Opatovice has been awarded in annual competition Construction of Year 2010
Prague Metro Construction and Extension since 1954 – Lines A, B, C, and now also D – Site investigation, comprehensive geotechnical monitoring and passportization for project preparation, optimization of subway construction and last but not least risk management during construction of metro lines A, B, C, and newly also D, including gradual expansion of existing routes
Extension of D1 and D3 Motorways, Slovakia – Site and hyrogeological investigation, geotechnical monitoring and professional site supervision for extension and tunnels construction at D1 and D3, the D3 Motorway Strážov – Brodno section has been awarded as Structure of the Year 2017
D3 Motorway Tábor – Veselí nad Lužnicí – Comprehensive geotechnical services including site investigation, geotechnical monitoring and in-situ tests
River Garden Administrative Complex II/III – Site investigation for foundation, additional survey of contamination and hydrogeological survey
Construction of Large-Capacity Fuel Storage Tanks, Loukov – Comprehensive geotechnical service for the construction of four large-capacity reservoirs, which are unique in their design and environmental benefits, awarded as Structure of the Year 2012
Supervision of Olafsjurdur and Siglufjudur Road Tunnels Construction, Iceland – Geological consultancy and site supervision of road tunnel construction in demanding climatic, geological and hydrogeological conditions of Iceland
IV. Transit Railway Corridor, Modernization of Railway Line Votice – Benešov u Prahy – Geotechnical supervision, monitoring and consulting activities for the modernization and increasing the speed parametres of the track up to 160 km/hour, railway line has received the Title of Czech Transport Structure of the Year 2014
Remediation of a Major Landslide on Railway Track Rynoltice – Křižany – Comprehensive site investigation, design of remedial measures and professional site supervision, project has received the Title of Czech Transport Structure and Ground Engineering Awards 2016
Remediation of a Hazardous Waste Landfill, Chabařovice – Expert assessment of landslide causes, design of remedial solution and professional supervision
Remediation of Slope Deformations on the D5 Motorway, Pilsen – Engineering-geological assessment of deformation causes, design of remediation project and site supervision