Research and Development
We constantly develop our expertise in geotechnical engineering using applied research and cutting-edge scientific knowledge
The solution of major research tasks in the field of construction and environmental geotechnics has long been a traditional part of the portfolio of SG Geotechnika. The common aim of all projects performed in the field of science, research and development is to acquire new knowledge and innovative methods for future use in practice. For applied research, we use our own numerical modelling of geotechnical tasks, technically equipped geomechanics laboratories and field testing and monitoring workplaces. We closely collaborate with universities, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and other scientific institutions based on the nature of the problem to be solved. This ensures that the know-how of SG Geotechnika always corresponds to the current situation in the given field. The combination of new knowledge and extensive experience in practice serves to increase the effectiveness and quality of our services, benefit our customers and develop the entire field of geotechnics.
Contact us
Ing. Jiří Záruba
T: +420 602 269 160
Ing. Ivona Novotná
T: +420 602 661 643

The most significant research and development projects
FV – 10511 – Effect of long-term heat pumps operation on the sustainability of rock environment energy potential (2016–2019)
TA04020986 – Transfer of values of migration parameters of granitic rocks from micro-scale to the real scale of the rock mass, PAMIRE (2014–2017)
FR – TI4/714 – Research and innovation of the treatment of the rock environment with lime additives (2012–2016)
FR – TI4/269 – Research of the extraction of thermal energy from the rock environment of tunnel structures (2012–2016)
FR – TI4/327 – Research of the possibility of comprehensive revitalization of industrial waste landfills including the utilization of their potential, development of measuring systems for remote monitoring, creation of methodological guidelines and sample projects for the revitalization and optimization of landfills (2012–2015)
FR – TI3/579 – Research of associated processes in the rock environment and development of methodologies for assessing the long-term stability of underground structures (2011–2015)
FR – TI3/523 – Stimulation of the rock mass to create a fracture reservoir for collecting geothermal energy through the hot-dry-rock system (2011–2014)
FR – TI3/609 – Research and development of detection and monitoring of critical points of geotechnical structures, especially for underground constructions, the mining industry and other engineering structures (2011–2013)
TA01011650 – Research and development of dielectric sensors for the measurement of transformations in geotechnics (2011–2013)
FR – TI1/367 – Research of the influence of the intergranular permeability of granite on the safety of deep geological repositories and the development of methodology and measuring apparatus (2009–2013)
FR – TI1/307 – Research of thermal processes of dumps created during the mining of coal deposits, development of methods and equipment for the utilization of their thermal potential (2009–2012)
FT – TA5/128 – Comprehensive solution for the stabilization of the soil or rock environment for the construction of underground structures and the foundations of buildings (2008–2010)
2A – 2TP1/055 – Research of the utilization of the energy potential of mine water in areas of former mining activity in the Czech Republic (2007–2010)
FT – TA/053 – Optimization of comprehensive technology of landslide remediation, especially in the area of energy activity (2004–2005)
FD – K3/037 – Remediation and revitalization of areas and structures with negative energy activity relicts (2003–2005)
FD – K/047 – Minimizing negative consequences in energy activity (2001–2003)
PZ – NP/11 – Design of work for the treatment of alum on remedial material for tailing ponds and other products (1997–1998)
Representative results of research and development projects are traditionally developed in the field of geotechnics
Patent 538: Thermally conductive material based on geopolymer resin (2013)
Utility model 30546: Means for thermal energy transfer from the rock mass (2015)
FR – TI4/497 – In-situ research of bentonite stability during up to 95 °C long time heating experiment (2012–2015)
Utility model 29007: Thermal resistant construction unit for isolation
FR – TI3/523 – Stimulation of the rock mass to create a fracture reservoir for collecting geothermal energy through the hot-dry-rock system (2011–2014)
Utility model 31756: Heat-resistant sealing building component (2015)
TA01011650 –Research and development of the application of dielectric sensors for measuring transformations in geotechnics (2011–2013)
Fiber-optic extensometers with Fiber Bragg Grating sensors, FBG (2013)
Utility model 26235: Multi-level dielectric extensometer for small-scale monitoring
Utility model 26236: Multi-level dielectric extensometer for monitoring large deformations
FR – TI3/609 - Research and development of detection and monitoring of critical points of geotechnical structures, especially for underground constructions, the mining industry and other engineering structures (2011–2013)
Pilot operation – Monitoring of potentially unstable slopes using Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis, BOTDA –Fiber-optic borehole instrumentation and monitoring of slope deformation
Pilot operation –Detection of primary tunnel lining deformation using the BOTDA method at the construction of Metro V.A
FR – TI1/367 – Research of the effect of the intergranular permeability of granite on the safety of deep geological repositories and the development of methodology and measuring apparatus (2009–2013)
Patent 584: Equipment for the in-situ measurement of rock permeability, geotechnical and building materials by measuring the weight loss of an injected measuring medium using sensitive scales (2011)
Patent 166: Device for measuring very low permeability in the rock environment (2014)